Kang Hyewon’s @star1 Interview (full)

Kang Hyewon International
6 min readMay 28, 2022


— Translated by KHWINTL

Credits: hyemu_scan on Twitter

The YouTube channel is getting a lot of attention. Do you film and edit vlogs yourself?

I uploaded a few vlogs at the start, and the response was good. Fans like to see my typical daily life more than other content. I want to show them my normal self, so I’m working hard on vlogging.

How did you start YouTube?

I started it because I wanted to communicate with the fans. I can’t do Instagram everyday and I can’t have fan-signing events often. I thought, “What’s a way to get closer to my fans?” and figured that YouTube was perfect. Fortunately, lots of people enjoyed it, so I’m doing my best to upload videos. After starting YouTube, people who didn’t know me at all before subscribed and became fans.

You tried acting for the first time with “Best Mistake 3”. Didn’t you find it difficult to play a leading role in your debut as an actress?

I may have started the web-drama without knowing anything, but I was grateful to be with such good directors and actors. I had a lot of room for improvement, but thanks to everyone’s good guidance, I was able to finish it well. It was my first time trying acting, so there are some things that I found disappointing or wasn’t satisfied with. It was clumsy and lacking, but I learned a lot.

Did the IZ*ONE members monitor your acting? How did they cheer you on?

They were more busy teasing than cheering (laughs). Yuri especially copied my lines a lot. There was a line that said, “Do you want to be friends with me?” that she always copied. You know, the expressions and the weird way of talking? Anyway, she teased me a lot (laughs).

Is there a role or a genre you want to try next? Since you have that “Nation’s First Love” look, I think a film about youth would suit you.

A role in a school uniform. I played the role of a college student in this web-drama. I want to act as a high school student next time. I think it’ll be fresh and fun.

You released a special album last December. How did it feel to do it alone after doing it with members for so long?

I felt a lot more pressure that I didn’t feel while in the group. When I was with my members, I was able to rely on them and everything was okay because I was with them, but doing everything by myself made me feel empty and it was difficult. I felt burdened by things that I’d always done and felt like I should do better. But, even still, I think I’m overcoming it well.

How about releasing a refreshing summer song?

There is going to be a song coming out in time. I didn’t mean for it to be a summer song, but it’s almost at the right time. I collaborated with Stella Jang and we worked on a song together. There will be confident and strong lyrics that say, “I walk a different path than others,” and I think the song will be something bright but heavy. Please look forward to it.

“For innocence… I’ve always been number one” is a quote from you. By any chance, is there a moment when you felt innocent?

Um, on a day like today(?). When I look in the mirror on a day when my makeup is fully done, I think “Oh, I look pretty good?” I’m sorry (laughs).

How is your skin so nice? Please tell us your secret to great skin.

I don’t have any great tips. I only use one or two skincare products. I think it’s not good for your skin because if you apply a lot of it, the oil builds up. I usually apply one serum and one cream. I use mild foam cleansers and wash only with water in the morning.

I thought you’d be quiet and calm just based on your appearance, but there’s a saying that Kwangbae’s personality is the “main character”.

I tend to be very easy-going. When I’m with close friends, I’m playful and talkative. Fans call me “Kwangbae” or “Kwangbae-hyung” when they see me like that. In fact, Kwangbae is a nickname that came from a different side of me. When you translate “Kang-chan” to Korean, there’s an error and it says “Kwangbae”. That word was funny, so many fans called me “Kwangbae”. I think it’s friendly and nice.

I guess you really are easy-going. I saw a subway transportation card in your wallet earlier; do you usually take public transportation alone?

I take the subway when there’s traffic. There no hope when there’s traffic in Gangnam. It takes 3 minutes by subway and more than 40 minutes by car. No one recognizes me even if I get on during rush hour. Everyone is busy getting off work, so they’re not concerned about anyone else.

You’re also known as the “Skinship Villain”… I heard you’ve been accused of having naughty hands by your fans.

It wasn’t intentional (laughs). I guess I was touchy with IZ*ONE members without hesitation. When I get close to people, I tend to get kind of touchy. Without realizing it, I was holding their hands or hugging them. It’s a sign of familiarity. Haha.

You said your specialty is mukbang. You’re called muk-jjang, but don’t you follow a diet?

I like to eat, but I don’t eat a lot. I like to eat delicious foods. Rather than being a big eater, I’m an epicure. I don’t think I’m the type to gain weight. I really like meat, so I usually eat meat. I don’t control my diet, but I often get indigestion when I eat flour, so I try to control myself. As for exercise, I sometimes do pilates.

What was your dream originally? I wonder how you got into the entertainment business.

I had a lot of dreams when I was young. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a nurse, and when I started high school, I wanted to major in photography. Then, one day when I was in high school, my friend asked me to join the practical music academy with them, so I registered. That friend coerced me into registering, but they didn’t show up (laughs). It was just me, but it was so much fun. Whenever I went to that academy, it was so fun, and my friend were good, so you know.

In the meantime, an acquaintance asked me to visit her company, and the company told me to show up the next day. That company became my agency. I entered the entertainment industry out of curiosity, but thankfully, I have fans who love me. I started by chance, but now I’m sincere and committed than anyone else. I want to work hard so that I don’t disappoint.

Do you have a role model?

The IZ*ONE members, who I promoted with, are my role models. I’m not just saying that either, those are my true feelings. They’re friends who can learn a lot from. Everyone is doing so well with their own stuff now, you know. When I see them like that, I automatically think they’re so cool.

You were close with the IZ*ONE members. Do you still keep in contact?

Of course. We contact each other often. Especially with (Jo) Yuri. I contacted her a few days ago. Yuri is having a comeback soon, so we talked about that.

Hyewon has a strong image of a “growth character.” When do you feel that you’ve grown?

I don’t think I’ve ever been satisfied with myself enough to think that I’ve grown. Rather than saying “This is good enough,” I’m more willing to say, “Let’s do better next time!” I still lack a lot and I have a long way to go. I think I always think that I need to work harder.

From IZ*ONE activities to a special album release, variety show appearances and YouTube activities, it’s already been three years since your debut. Is there any activity that you want to focus on?

I want to concentrate on my acting activities. I still have a lot of room for improvement, but I want to show everyone a good performance as an actor. I don’t have anything specific that I’m filming for yet. I think I’m being cautious because I want to show everyone something that fits me well. I want to greet everyone with good work as soon as possible.

If you have a goal you want to achieve this year…

Meeting my fans. I hope the COVID-19 pandemic ends soon so I can see the fans up close without the masks.

